Tag Archives: bath salts
Weren’t the Mayans Flesh Eaters Too? Cannibalism & Zombie Apocalypse
More Cannibalism and Zombie Apocalypse reported this week; but this time it involves a Swedish man who allegedly ate his wife’s lips. A few week ago, Miami and Louisiana reported episodes of cannibalistic zombie apocalypse attacks. A Louisiana man stands accused of gnawing his neighbor’s face allegedly from being under the influence of drugs. 43-year-old Carl Jacquneaux of Lafayette Parish is accused of biting off a chunk of Todd Credeur this past weekend. Credeur was able to fend off the attack by spraying Jacquneaux in the face with wasp spray. Shortly after, he was taken into custody at the home of a friend whom he held at knife point.
In Miami, Brandon De Leon, 21, was placed under arrest for allegedly trying to bit a police officer. In De Leon’s case, he was clearly under the influence of the Bath Salt Drug. Globalgrind.com reports that “Leon growled and tried to bite an officer on Saturday…. North Miami Beach Police said De Leon slammed his head repeatedly against the plexiglass of the police cruiser and told the officer ‘I’m going to eat you.’”
These cases along with other have many thinking what exactly is going on. With the world in terrible financial shape and record weather being set daily many everyday people are adding two and two and coming out with the Mayan predictions that suggests our world will be coming to an end on December 21, 2012. To link flesh eating with the Mayans is not a strange correlation, especially when you think of the skulls and bones found by explorers when that visited the ancient city. Some experts are saying, pay attention to Bath Salts, but I don’t think it’s that simple. I hope that we don’t have something like a Mad Max situation taking over our cities.
It may be time that we as a civilization get serious about understanding the world wide trend that appears to have quickly transformed us into a world community. Or perhaps it’s too late to avoid what might be inevitable.
What are your thoughts?
Another zombie attack – New York mom on ‘Bath Salts’ attacks her three-year-old – VIDEOS
Deranged woman tried to strangle her pit bull and bite a police officer before she died
A New York woman, allegedly high on “bath salts”, was killed after police taser her. Onlookers photographed Pamela McCarthy who was attacking her three-year-old son.
The 35-year-old went into cardiac arrest after a run in with state troopers outside her apartment in Munnsville on Tuesday. The police were called to the scene at 7.45pm with reports that McCarthy was punching and choking her toddler and trying to strangle her pit-bull. A neighbor then photographed her running towards her terrifying son, who sought refuge with his father, Jason Williams.
McCarthy’s attack is just one in a spate of violent incidents reported across the United States involving the drugs “bath salts”, a synthetic drug, known as “the new LSD”.
Last month Rudy Eugene, who was believed to be on “bath salts” chewed off, homeless man, Ronald Poppo’s face, in Miami. In Louisiana, Carl Jacquneaux also bit off a piece of his neighbor’s cheek. Earlier this week a North Miami man stripped naked and exposed himself to a three-year-old girl while on the drug.
In fact these attacks, thought to be the blame of this legal drug, are becoming so prevalent that the media is now labeling them under the term “Zombie Apocalypse”.
A neighbor who witnessed McCarthy’s attack told NewsChannel 9 WSYR “She was… just running back and forth around the street and she got a hold of one of her dogs and she was rolling around on the ground with her legs wrapped around it – she was strangling the dog.”
Another said: ‘She was definitely on something. Who does that?’
When the police arrived McCarthy was described as “violently combative” and growled at the police, and even tried to bite one of the officers.
State trooper Christopher Budlong tried to subdue her using pepper spray, but it had no effect. He then used a taser on the woman but was unable to handcuff her. She was then taken into custody and then went into cardiac arrest.
Her boyfriend Williams said she had a history of drug abuse but was shocked by her behavior. Their son lucky escaped the attack with minor injuries and is now in the custody of William’s mother.
He said “I told her mom, “She needs help”,’ Williams told WSYR. ‘Everyone says to get rid of her because I tell all mean stories. I got nothing good to say. I love her…love her to death…then I seen that.”
Here’s the ABC News report:
Here’s the CNYCentralNews eyewitness report:
Zombie apocalypse prophesied in ancient scriptures
In recent headlines, there have been outbreaks of bizarre, brutal, cannibalistic events that have unfolded over the past few weeks, with an almost daily occurrence of articles written about cannibalism and the “Zombie Apocalypse.” There have been disturbing tales of humans devouring fellow humans, from the bath salts incident, involving a nakedcannibal, to the ‘Cannibal Killer,’ a porn star who allegedly murdered, dismembered and tasted the flesh of his victim. Just Saturday, many newspapers even reported the stomach contents of the Miami cannibal/zombie. Stores are beginning to carry zombie bullets, and college dorms are beginning to hold zombie drills, so students will be prepared for the hoards of zombies that could possibly attack mankind. Unfortunately, all of these stories seem perfectly suited to for horror films, but are real.
Incredibly, though the prospect of zombies and a zombie apocalypse seem purely fiction in the minds of most, the ancient scriptures reveal past, and possibly, future events that significantly resemble zombies or the walking undead. Take for example the death and resurrection narrative of Jesus of Nazareth, though no one would suggest Jesus was a zombie, a portion of the narrative surrounding his death, reveals an incident that most people overlook.
Matt. 27:50-53: And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.
One could not even imagine what it would have been like to see all of the past saints walk out of their graves, and appear to those dwelling in Jerusalem. Furthermore, one might ask, what actually happened to the bodies of those who were raised? Are they still among us? Or did they die a second time?
A second past event, found within the ancient scriptures, can be found in Ezekiel 37.
Ezekiel 37:7-10: So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them…and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.
Future Zombie Apocalypse
According to certain Christian eschatology, there are two future events that could resemble a zombie apocalypse. The first event, familiar to most, is the resurrection of the dead, in the “last days.” This event is viewed by most, as a time when all the graves of mankind will open, and everyone who has died will come forth for the “final judgment.” In fact, many believe that the dead will be the first judged at the final judgment, and those who are living will witness the event, previous to their judgment. Thus, those who are alive will first witness the dead arising from their graves.
1 Corinthians 15:51- 52: Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
John 5:28-29: Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
The second eschatological or future event, which could be viewed as a zombie apocalypse, is known by most as the “battle of Armageddon.” It is believed that in the final days, the armies of the devil or Satan, will rise up against God, Israel and God’s army, at a place known as Armageddon. When this occurs, it will appear as if evil has won, throughout the entire earth. At that point, most believe that Jesus will return with all the armies of heaven, to finally defeat the devil and his armies, and cast them into the “lake of fire.”
Revelation 16:12-16 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty… And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
Revelation 19:19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
Now, there are many scriptures that Christians, which hold this view, use as proof of a future battle. However, one scriptural source, which most have not thoroughly considered, could appear as a massive zombie attack.
Zechariah 14:12-13 And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. On that day they will be terrified, stricken by the LORD with great panic. They will fight their neighbors hand to hand.
Today, most zombie lore revolves around plagues, which cause the dead to rise, and typically battle with or eat the living. This scripture in Zechariah seems to clearly reveal an event, similar to the most recent zombie lore. One might wonder if ancient Christians also feared and imminent zombie attack as well. At the very least, zombie apocalypse fanatics now have a further argument in their arsenal, which points toward a future attack of the undead, found within the ancient scriptures.
Lowpel Davis, a Connecticut woman who was arrested for allegedly stealing a wig from a beauty supply store, was the latest person to be linked to the “Zombie Apocalypse” after she reportedly bit off a chunk of the store owner’s bicep.
Davis, 38, allegedly attempted to steal a $15 wig from the New Haven store when owner Jongyol Lee and his 70-year-old father attempted to stop her. However, Davis managed to fight off Lee, his elderly father and workers in the store before biting off a piece of his arm and spitting it in his face.
It took four members of the Federal Protective Service, a department of homeland security law enforcement agency, along with additional New Haven police officials to restrain Davis who fought with the authorities. David Hartman, New Haven police spokesperson, described the incident as “struggling with a crazed woman,” in a Connecticut Post report.
Davis reportedly attempted to bite the officers and tried to kick the windows out of the police car she was riding in. Eventually, she was transferred to a windowless transportation van.
The store owner described the alleged assault that took place at the hands of Davis on Wednesday.
“She started swinging at me and she hit me on the right side of my face and knocked my glasses off,” Lee told WTNH-TV. “When somebody is caught stealing like that usually they are shamed publicly, they drop it and leave. But in this case she continued on her way.”
The officers who contained Davis were taken to the hospital to treat their bites and evaluate other injuries, while Lee was treated for the bite wound in his arm and injuries to his face at Yale-New Haven Hospital. The assailant was charged with sixth-degree larceny, second-degree breach of peace, first-degree criminal mischief, second-degree assault and two counts of assault for attacking the police officials who tried to restrain her.
When arriving in court to hear that her bond was set at $150,000, Davis was reportedly calm and did not know the extent of her actions, the Post reported. Davis is due back in court on July 11.
For the past few weeks, an increased number of zombie-like behavior has taken place across the country. Last month, a Miami man was shot dead by police after he was seen naked, growling and consuming the flesh of a homeless man’s face.
Less than one week after the incident in Miami took place, a New Jersey man reportedly stabbed himself 50 times before throwing his flesh and intestines at police officers. Days later, a Maryland man told authorities that he had eaten the heart and brain of his roommates.
While other incidents made headlines in Louisiana and Miami once again, the CDC spoke out about the reported “Zombie Apocalypse” that had become a trending topic on the Internet.
“The CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms),” CDC spokesman David Daigle told The Huffington Post.
While many of the incidents caused some to speculate about the involvement of a new street drug called “bath salts,” the cause of Davis’ outburst in Connecticut had yet to be determined.
2nd Miami Zombie Attack – Miami homeless man high on ‘bath salts’ growls, tries to bite police officer and smashes his head against cell (AND he’d drunk Four Loko too)
2nd Miami Zombie Attack – Miami homeless man high on ‘bath salts’ growls, tries to bite police officer and smashes his head against cell (AND he’d drunk Four Loko too)
A homeless man high on drugs and drunk on Four Loko growled and tried to bite off a police officer’s hand after he was arrested for disturbing customers in a Miami fast food restaurant.
The incident comes just two weeks after Rudy Eugene chewed the face off a homeless man in Miami. The frenzied 18-minute attack only ended when police shot Eugene dead.
In this new case, Brandon De Leon, 21, repeatedly banged his head against the patrol car’s Plexiglas and yelled, ‘I’m going to eat you.’ Both De Leon and Eugene are believed to have been under the influence of a potent drug, known as bath salts.
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The shocking crimes have led to a safety warning issued to local police officers when they deal with Miami’s homeless population.
North Miami Beach police spotted De Leon having an argument with another man outside a Boston Market restaurant on Saturday.
According to an arrest report, the men’s fight blocked the restaurant entrance so no-one could come in or leave.
Officers arrested De Leon and Brian Yerdon, 33, for disorderly conduct.

At one point De Leon said ‘F*** you’ to officers, showing them his middle finger, the report states.
At the police station, De Leon tried to bite the officer who was taking his blood pressure and tending to his self-inflicted wounds. The police report noted that he ‘growled and opened and closed his jaw slamming his teeth like an animal would.’
Inside his cell, De Leon was put in leg restraints and a bite mask after he continued to bark, growl and bash his head, reported NBC Miami.
De Leon was found to be on bath salts – also known as Cloud 9 – and blood tests revealed levels of cannabis and Xanax. The tests also revealed an alcohol level of .29.
De Leon faces charges including disorderly conduct and resisting an officer with violence. He remains in jail on a $5,500 bond.
In court on Monday De Leon told the judge he could not remember what happened.
‘If I can say something your honor, I have no recollection of anything that happened that night,’ he said. It is not known whether De Leon has a lawyer.

Bath salts, referred to on the street as ‘the new LSD’ and sold as a cocaine substitute, contain amphetamine-like chemicals such as methylenedioxypyrovalerone.
Users of the drug report to feeling no pain. Its effects include paranoia, hallucinations, convulsions and psychotic episodes.
Toxicology results will determine whether Rudy Eugene was on bath salts when he pounced on Ronald Poppo, a 65-year-old homeless man he found sleeping on elevated train tracks by a Miami highway on May 26.
Footage of the attack shows Eugene stripping and punching his victim before he straddles him and starts to eat his face off.
It was almost 20 minutes until officer Jose Rivera shot Eugene shortly after he arrived. He shouted at the 31-year-old to stop but he simply got up and growled and continued eating at the man’s face.
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