Tag Archives: fortress

‘The Walking Dead': Exclusive first look at Danai Gurira as fan favorite Michonne

The Walking Dead': Exclusive first look at Danai Gurira as fan favorite Michonne
Ever since we saw that cloaked figure brandishing a katana sword while accompanied by two chained up armless zombies in The Walking Dead’s season 2 finale, fans have been salivating for a first look at the woman under the hood — Michonne. That first look is now here. A fan favorite from The Walking Dead comic book on which the AMC series is based, Michonne will be played by actress Danai Gurira (Treme) when the show returns for season 3 this October, and here is your exclusive first taste of what she will look like.

Posted ImageIn the comics, Michonne is an unflinching warrior who proves to be powerful ally for Rick Grimes and the rest of the survivors. But how different will the onscreen version be? “The essence of the character — her personality, her motives, everything that makes Michonne Michonne — remains intact from the comics,” says Robert Kirkman (the creator of the comic and executive producer of the TV adaptation). “But like a lot of things on the show, there will be little tweaks and differences here and there. We saw that her introduction is slightly different from how it was in the comic, and her interaction with Andrea is really going to be a really cool addition to the character that I think will get television viewers up to speed, and they’ll get to know her a lot faster than comic book readers did.”
As for why they cast the relatively unknown Danai Gurira for the pivotal role, Kirkman says, “We looked at a lot of talented people that were really fantastic, but we were waiting for that one spark, that moment where everyone was completely in agreement and completely excited, and we felt like we had found the essence of this fictional character that just randomly appeared in another person, and that person was Danai Gurira. She kind of came in and really just blew us all away. She’s got incredible presence, and she’s got a theater background, and is very physical, and was just perfect for the role.”

Kirkman is equally enthusiastic about the big location setting for season 3, as Rick and company attempt to turn a prison into their new zombie-proof fortress. “It looks absolutely amazing,” gushes Kirkman. “They are shooting the hell out of this prison. It just looks absolutely stunning, and I think when people start seeing trailers and stuff for this season, I think people are just gonna be like, “Wait, what? This is what? I can’t believe this is a TV show!” It’s really creepy, really moody and it’s just gonna be really awesome.”

Zombie Survival Kit and Preps

Emergency Survival Kit

Zombie Survival Guide

An emergency survival kit is a collection of supplies which have been prepared to aid in the survival of a disaster or emergency situation such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. A good emergency survival kit contains tools to provide the basic survival necessities such as shelter, food, water, and first aid. It this case we want to prepare a kit specialized for a zombie encounter.

There a few types of survival kits; stashes, mini-kits and bug-out kit. A stash is a large collection of horded food and supplies usually set up for long term use under siege situations. Mini kits hold basic supplies and are designed to fit in small places such as a motor vehicle. Bug-out kits are portable survival kits also known as “Personal Emergency Relocation Kits”; these are used for quick escape and survival for a few days. Bug-out kits usually also contain tools that aid in gathering resources for more prolonged times after limited supplies run out.

Before creating an emergency zombie survival kit or kits you must ask yourself a few questions: What type of kit should I make? How many people will I be providing for? Where should I keep my kit? How much food and water do need? Where would I go under extreme conditions? ECT… Look at your surroundings. If a zombie outbreak were to happen right now are you in a safe location. This is a great deciding factor for preparing your kit. Think of any situation that could happen and consider preparation for the most probable dangers. What will you need in your kit? Every situation is different for everyone and kits can be modified for specific purposes.

Location matters, it might be smart to keep smaller emergency survival kits in your car or at work. Also you might want to keep different styles of kits depending on your location, for example: If you live in the mountains away from large populations in a fairly zombie proof home you might consider keeping a long term stash. On the other hand if you live in an inner city location in a not so zombie proof home you might want to rely more on a light bug-out kit to get you to a safer location.

Basic Tools and Supplies

Before specializing in any type of zombie survival kit for emergency situations it is important to know what items are needed for basic survival. To set up a good survival kit foundation you should know what the most fundamental items needed in almost all disaster situations are. There is a list from the homeland security website;

Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kits:

-Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation

-Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food

-Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both

-Flashlight and extra batteries

-First aid kit

-Whistle to signal for help

-Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place

-Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation

-Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

-Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)

-Local maps

Additional Items to Consider Adding to an Emergency Supply Kit:

-Prescription medications and glasses

-Infant formula and diapers

-Pet food and extra water for your pet

-Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container

-Cash or traveler’s checks and change

-Emergency reference material such as a first aid book survival manuals

-Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate.

-Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate.

-Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.

-Fire Extinguisher

-Matches in a waterproof container

-Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items

-Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels-Paper and pencil

-Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

These items are great for a basic kit. Creating an emergency survival with these supplies would be great for smaller S 1 or maybe even S 2 zombie emergencies. These are usually caused by a low grade zombie and everything is usually controlled and back to normal after a few days. Just board up your windows and doors and wait it out.

In larger zombie outbreaks or outbreaks caused by higher grade zombies, the situation gets dramatically worse. It is unlikely that a small survival kit is enough to handle a large zombie up rising. A larger stash would allow you to last quite a bit longer check out the under siege section for more details. Most likely unless you have a self sustaining fortress you will need to Transport to a safer location.

Zombie Survival Kit

Unlike most disasters the biggest difference is that in almost any zombie emergency situation some degree of combat is involved. In order to have the advantage in zombie combat, it is important to have some kind of weapon in your emergency zombie survival kit. As stated before every situation is different and additions to the basic kit should follow the specific situation.

Bug out kits should be kept light considering that some of the time on foot might involve running away from hordes of zombies. If additional clothes are in the kit they should be tight fitting and hair should be short or tied down to prevent being snagged by undead fingernails.

Do research on different types of items and see what is best for your particular situation. Try to get items that are useful in more that one situation. For example an axe is great for chopping wood but it is also good at chopping zombie flesh. A crowbar is a good weapon but can also be used to pull out nails or “jimmy” doors, or even aid in climbing.

10 doomsday preps that will get you killed

Raiding the Gun Store

First things first: You need a firearm. The time for “common sense gun control” went out the window the second grandpa came back from the afterlife to make a sandwich out of your face. No matter what your political stance was before the uprising, you fucking love the Second Amendment now. You want the biggest, shiniest, loudest monstrosity possible. If there’s a gun that shoots a thousand bullets a second; that’s great. If there’s one that shoots a thousand flaming bullets a second; even better! If there’s a gun that shoots out other guns that all fire thousands of flaming bullets in mere seconds–like some sort of pyramid scheme comprised entirely of shredding death infernos–well, that would be just dandy. But even if you already have the god-king of firearms at your disposal, you’re still not ready. You need to arm everybody in your group, you need spares just in case and you need ammo. In short, you need to get to the gun store.

The only problem being: So does everybody else.

The closest gun shop to your house is also the closest gun shop to a thousand other people’s houses, and at least a few dozen of them are going to get there before you. Assuming that the place isn’t clean out–probably because the shop is either locked down like a fortress, or because the owners are barricaded inside and would rather like to keep their livelihood and defensive measures, thanks–you still need to get your arsenal. See, owners of gun stores tend to like guns, and people that like guns not only generally want to keep them, but are also quite capable of using them.

“You can have my gun… when you come down to my place of business and ask politely. I’ve got a lot, take one!”

Now you and a thousand other people are on the outside of a suburban fortress, hurling “pretty pleases” at a half-insane, heavily-armed, trained marksmen inside. Not only are you probably not coming away from the gun store with a shiny new weapon; you’d be lucky to get out of there without an impromptu sunroof installed in your skull.