Tag Archives: pepper spray


Another zombie attack – New York mom on ‘Bath Salts’ attacks her three-year-old – VIDEOS

Deranged woman tried to strangle her pit bull and bite a police officer before she died

A New York woman, allegedly high on “bath salts”, was killed after police taser her. Onlookers photographed Pamela McCarthy who was attacking her three-year-old son.

The 35-year-old went into cardiac arrest after a run in with state troopers outside her apartment in Munnsville on Tuesday. The police were called to the scene at 7.45pm with reports that McCarthy was punching and choking her toddler and trying to strangle her pit-bull. A neighbor then photographed her running towards her terrifying son, who sought refuge with his father, Jason Williams.

McCarthy’s  attack is just one in a spate of violent incidents reported across the United States involving the drugs “bath salts”, a synthetic drug, known as “the new LSD”.

Last month Rudy Eugene, who was believed to be on “bath salts” chewed off, homeless man, Ronald Poppo’s face, in Miami. In Louisiana, Carl Jacquneaux also bit off a piece of his neighbor’s cheek. Earlier this week a North Miami man stripped naked and exposed himself to a three-year-old girl while on the drug.

In fact these attacks, thought to be the blame of this legal drug, are becoming so prevalent that the media is now labeling them under the term “Zombie Apocalypse”.

A neighbor who witnessed McCarthy’s attack told NewsChannel 9 WSYR “She was… just running back and forth around the street and she got a hold of one of her dogs and she was rolling around on the ground with her legs wrapped around it – she was strangling the dog.”
Another said: ‘She was definitely on something. Who does that?’

When the police arrived McCarthy was described as “violently combative” and growled at the police, and even tried to bite one of the officers.

State trooper Christopher Budlong tried to subdue her using pepper spray, but it had no effect. He then used a taser on the woman but was unable to handcuff her. She was then taken into custody and then went into cardiac arrest.

Her boyfriend Williams said she had a history of drug abuse but was shocked by her behavior. Their son lucky escaped the attack with minor injuries and is now in the custody of William’s mother.

He said “I told her mom, “She needs help”,’ Williams told WSYR. ‘Everyone says to get rid of her because I tell all mean stories. I got nothing good to say. I love her…love her to death…then I seen that.”

Here’s the ABC News report:

Here’s the CNYCentralNews eyewitness report:

Zombie apocalypse: NJ incident causes SWAT team to decontaminate from gore

Another zombie apocalypse-type incident took place in Hackensack, New Jersey over the weekend, with details surfacing today.  Police broke down the door and tried to subdue the man, but they retreated and had the SWAT Team go in. This scene was so gory, that the SWAT team needed to go through decontamination because of all the blood.

Wayne Carter, 43, barricaded himself in his bedroom and started stabbing himself with a 12 inch knife. The deep stab wounds in his abdomen caused his intestines to squeeze out through the wounds. When the SWAT team came through the door, he started throwing pieces of his intestines and flesh at the officers, according to South Coast Today.

The police used two cans of pepper spray on Carter, but it was like he felt nothing and continued stabbing himself. It is unknown what caused Carter to behave this way. An unknown person called 911 to report that Carter had barricaded himself in his room with a knife and was intending to hurt himself. This was the call that set the ball rolling. Carter is in the hospital in critical condition.

Carter had at least 50 self-inflicted stab wounds all over his body and it didn’t appear to bother him at all. This is the second such incident reported this weekend, with the first happening in Miami. Rudy Eugene was found naked and eating the face of a homeless man in broad daylight on a highway off-ramp. When an officer ordered Eugene away from the man, he growled and continued to chew on the victim, according to SMSEO.

When the officer shot him, this still didn’t stop Eugene from eating the flesh of his victim. This left the officer no choice but to continue shooting him until he was dead. The 64 year-old victim, Ronald Poppo, had 80% of his face eaten by Eugene and he is in critical condition in an area hospital today.

See the pictures of the victim and the crime aftermath here on SMSEO.

Both of these two men demonstrated behavior that is not something the people who know them have seen before. Both men showed an unusual tolerance to pain, with one being able to pull out his own intestines and the other being shot without stopping his attack.

Is this some type of new drug that is putting people in such a state of psychosis that they don’t respond to excruciating pain? Conspiracy theories take this as a sign that the zombie apocalypse is beginning. Do you agree or do you think they’ve watched too many  episodes of the “Walking Dead?”