Tag Archives: rudy
Another zombie attack – New York mom on ‘Bath Salts’ attacks her three-year-old – VIDEOS
Deranged woman tried to strangle her pit bull and bite a police officer before she died
A New York woman, allegedly high on “bath salts”, was killed after police taser her. Onlookers photographed Pamela McCarthy who was attacking her three-year-old son.
The 35-year-old went into cardiac arrest after a run in with state troopers outside her apartment in Munnsville on Tuesday. The police were called to the scene at 7.45pm with reports that McCarthy was punching and choking her toddler and trying to strangle her pit-bull. A neighbor then photographed her running towards her terrifying son, who sought refuge with his father, Jason Williams.
McCarthy’s attack is just one in a spate of violent incidents reported across the United States involving the drugs “bath salts”, a synthetic drug, known as “the new LSD”.
Last month Rudy Eugene, who was believed to be on “bath salts” chewed off, homeless man, Ronald Poppo’s face, in Miami. In Louisiana, Carl Jacquneaux also bit off a piece of his neighbor’s cheek. Earlier this week a North Miami man stripped naked and exposed himself to a three-year-old girl while on the drug.
In fact these attacks, thought to be the blame of this legal drug, are becoming so prevalent that the media is now labeling them under the term “Zombie Apocalypse”.
A neighbor who witnessed McCarthy’s attack told NewsChannel 9 WSYR “She was… just running back and forth around the street and she got a hold of one of her dogs and she was rolling around on the ground with her legs wrapped around it – she was strangling the dog.”
Another said: ‘She was definitely on something. Who does that?’
When the police arrived McCarthy was described as “violently combative” and growled at the police, and even tried to bite one of the officers.
State trooper Christopher Budlong tried to subdue her using pepper spray, but it had no effect. He then used a taser on the woman but was unable to handcuff her. She was then taken into custody and then went into cardiac arrest.
Her boyfriend Williams said she had a history of drug abuse but was shocked by her behavior. Their son lucky escaped the attack with minor injuries and is now in the custody of William’s mother.
He said “I told her mom, “She needs help”,’ Williams told WSYR. ‘Everyone says to get rid of her because I tell all mean stories. I got nothing good to say. I love her…love her to death…then I seen that.”
Here’s the ABC News report:
Here’s the CNYCentralNews eyewitness report:
ZOMBIE OUTBREAK – Swedish professor eats wife’s lips

In an apparent attempt to punish the young lady with disfigurement, and to also make it impossible to reattach the lips, the professor cut her lips off, and then ate them. No mention of any fava bean side dishes was made in the English language edition of the article.
“He didn’t want the lips to be able to be sewn back on,” the unnamed source said, explaining why he had eaten them.
The professor has been ordered to endure a psychiatric evaluation. The DSM-IV TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) has no code listed for Zombie-ism at BehaveNet, and only obliquely references cannibalism as a form of psychopathology.
Ingela Ekman Hessius, the woman’s lawyer, reports the lady in question as in serious condition and is quoted as saying:
“She is of course not doing well, neither psychologically nor physically,”
Cases of apparent cannibalism have made the news and shocked many around the globe, Rudy Eugene, the Miami Causeway Cannibal, Luka Magnotta with a possible connection to a blog post at Digital Journal, Alexander Kinyua, and perhaps not the most gruesome, but arguably one of the stranger forms was Mao Sugiyamawho had his testicles removed and then cooked and served them to diners.
As for me and my house, I am placing a rush order at my local weapons supply store for at least one box of Zombie Max bullets. The Hornady company notes that the ammunition in question is specifically designed for use on zombies and the disclaimer on the Hornady website is:
Disclaimer: Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is NOT a toy (IT IS LIVE AMMUNITION), but is intended only to be used on…ZOMBIES, also known as the living dead, undead, etc. No human being, plant, animal, vegetable or mineral should ever be shot with Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition. Again, we repeat, Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is for use on ZOMBIES ONLY, and that’s not a nickname, phrase or cute way of referring to anybody, place or thing. When we say Zombies, we mean…ZOMBIES!
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/326447#ixzz1xUs3Aocf
2nd Miami Zombie Attack – Miami homeless man high on ‘bath salts’ growls, tries to bite police officer and smashes his head against cell (AND he’d drunk Four Loko too)
2nd Miami Zombie Attack – Miami homeless man high on ‘bath salts’ growls, tries to bite police officer and smashes his head against cell (AND he’d drunk Four Loko too)
A homeless man high on drugs and drunk on Four Loko growled and tried to bite off a police officer’s hand after he was arrested for disturbing customers in a Miami fast food restaurant.
The incident comes just two weeks after Rudy Eugene chewed the face off a homeless man in Miami. The frenzied 18-minute attack only ended when police shot Eugene dead.
In this new case, Brandon De Leon, 21, repeatedly banged his head against the patrol car’s Plexiglas and yelled, ‘I’m going to eat you.’ Both De Leon and Eugene are believed to have been under the influence of a potent drug, known as bath salts.
Scroll down for video

The shocking crimes have led to a safety warning issued to local police officers when they deal with Miami’s homeless population.
North Miami Beach police spotted De Leon having an argument with another man outside a Boston Market restaurant on Saturday.
According to an arrest report, the men’s fight blocked the restaurant entrance so no-one could come in or leave.
Officers arrested De Leon and Brian Yerdon, 33, for disorderly conduct.

At one point De Leon said ‘F*** you’ to officers, showing them his middle finger, the report states.
At the police station, De Leon tried to bite the officer who was taking his blood pressure and tending to his self-inflicted wounds. The police report noted that he ‘growled and opened and closed his jaw slamming his teeth like an animal would.’
Inside his cell, De Leon was put in leg restraints and a bite mask after he continued to bark, growl and bash his head, reported NBC Miami.
De Leon was found to be on bath salts – also known as Cloud 9 – and blood tests revealed levels of cannabis and Xanax. The tests also revealed an alcohol level of .29.
De Leon faces charges including disorderly conduct and resisting an officer with violence. He remains in jail on a $5,500 bond.
In court on Monday De Leon told the judge he could not remember what happened.
‘If I can say something your honor, I have no recollection of anything that happened that night,’ he said. It is not known whether De Leon has a lawyer.

Bath salts, referred to on the street as ‘the new LSD’ and sold as a cocaine substitute, contain amphetamine-like chemicals such as methylenedioxypyrovalerone.
Users of the drug report to feeling no pain. Its effects include paranoia, hallucinations, convulsions and psychotic episodes.
Toxicology results will determine whether Rudy Eugene was on bath salts when he pounced on Ronald Poppo, a 65-year-old homeless man he found sleeping on elevated train tracks by a Miami highway on May 26.
Footage of the attack shows Eugene stripping and punching his victim before he straddles him and starts to eat his face off.
It was almost 20 minutes until officer Jose Rivera shot Eugene shortly after he arrived. He shouted at the 31-year-old to stop but he simply got up and growled and continued eating at the man’s face.
Watch video here
Miami ‘zombie-like’ attacks continue? Man on ‘Cloud 9′ growls, tries to bite North Miami Beach cop
NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (WSVN) — Officers say a man in police custody has an entire department shocked after he allegedly growled and tried to bite an officer’s hand off; an eerie resemblance to the cannibal attack on a South Florida causeway.
Two North Miami Beach officers were eating at a Boston Market in North Miami Beach on Saturday evening, when Brandon DeLeon, a homeless man, walked into the restaurant and began to yell obscenities at them.
DeLeon then threatened to fight the police officers, forcing them to place him under arrest. But it was the events after DeLeon was put into a holding cell that has officers very concerned.
According to an officer’s safety bulletin, “While at the holding cell, DeLeon banged his head repeatedly inside the holding cell. DeLeon growled at officers in the booking area like a rabid dog. DeLeon attempted to bite Officer Ruiz’s hand off.”
The incident sounds eerily similar to the case of Rudy Eugene who, when confronted by Miami Police under the MacArthur Causeway while ripping the flesh off of homeless man Ronald Poppo, allegedly started to growl.
It has been speculated that Eugene, who chewed off 75 percent of Poppo’s face, had been on drugs at the time of the incident before being shot and killed by police.
Authorities believe DeLeon was on drugs when he tried to bite the officer’s hand off and have advised officers to be extra careful when it comes to the homeless community in South Florida. The officer’s safety bulletin goes on to read: “It was later discovered DeLeon had taken a synthetic drug named Cloud 9. This bears resemblance to the incident that occurred in the City of Miami last week when a male ate another man’s face. Please be careful when dealing with our homeless population during your patrols.”
Cloud 9 is a synthetic drug with terrible side effects such as rage, hallucinations and paranoia.
During a bond hearing on Monday, DeLeon told a judge he couldn’t remember the events. “I have no recollection of anything that happened that night,” he said.
According to 7News sources, the day after the incident with DeLeon, officers stopped some people in the homeless community and found the synthetic drug.
The concern among law enforcement is that Cloud 9 is becoming the drug of choice within the homeless community, and the overriding concern is the violent side effects.
North Miami Beach Police also said DeLeon had the caffeinated, alcoholic beverage Four Loko in his system.
DeLeon remains in jail under a $5,500 bond.
Zombie Apocalypse and the ‘bath salts’ link: 34 states already impacted per DEA
The zombie apocalypse that America and Canada is said to be experiencing this week due to ‘bath salts’ didn’t happen overnight, as some might think.
In fact, news released on Friday show that this law enforcement problem has been occurring around the country long before the Causeway cannibal face-eating attack in Miami, or the other cannibalistic acts in California, Canada or Maryland. In fact, law enforcement and medical personnel in as many as 34 states have been battling this growing ‘zombie apocalypse’ drug problem for quite some time.
The United States Drug Enforcement Agency really started to sit up and take notice of synthetic designer drugs in 2009, when so-called “fake pot” began making the rounds under the names K-2 and Spice, among others. Two reports about one of the key drugs in that product caught the DEA’s attention that year.
And thanks to poison control centers and hospitals joining law enforcement in making reports to the DEA, about the increases they began to see in those using the so-called “fake pot” products, a better picture began to emerge of the dangers currently being seen now, allegedly.
Reports of anxiety attacks, convulsions, elevated heart rates, increased blood pressure, as well as disorientation were being experienced in growing numbers. And fortunately 16 states listened up and took the necessary action to control those so-called fake pot drugs. But that was just the beginning, with recreational drugs known as ‘bath salts’ soon following.
By 2010 a key drug in both products had brought as many as 338 cases to their attention. Those numbers jumped in less than a year in 2011, when 911 cases were noted, and the problem had grown to impact as many as 34 states.
Almost one year ago this month, the New York Division of the DEA, under the leadership of Special Agent in Charge John Gilbride, finally took down a major ‘bath salts’ distributor, hoping to curb the recreational drug availability that is used at raves and as a recreational drug.
The dangerous substance is purchased at retail shops, gas stations and other businesses due to being labeled deceptively as bath salts, which are given many different names, including “Aura,” “Goodfellas,” “Ivory Wave,” “Russian River” and “Xtreme,” though there are many more names used as well.
The drug is typically snorted as powder or taken as a pill, according to the DEA. It is also injected intravenously and smoked by users who experience symptoms that range from panic attacks and increased heart rates to delusions and psychotic episodes. And if the toxicology screen in Miami comes back to reveal bath salts in the MacArthur “Causeway cannibal” attack, the adverse effects experienced will grow to include face-eating among other things.
By September of 2011, the DEA had heard enough negative reports on the adverse symptoms being experienced by those using the fake bath salts products labeled “Not for human consumption” that they immediately exercised their authority to control the three drugs most concerning: Mephedrone, MDPV and Methylone.
And they were not alone, as 33 states had now grown concerned enough to either ban or control the products containing these substances, which are usually labeled as “bath salts” or “plant food.” Five short months later, in February of this year, the DEA extended their control of this dangerous group of chemicals by six months, which by the way, is also in the so-called “fake Pot” products.
Miami’s face-eating attacker Rudy Eugene was said to be hooked on marijuana by one of his friends. It is unclear if he was possibly using the so-called “fake pot” that contains this dangerous drug under the watchful eye of the DEA or if it was a ‘bath salts’ product instead that may have resulted in the horrific zombie like attack on Ronald Poppo.